Monday, 17 January 2011

Collection 100: a few facts...

  • on average, people have about 5 dreams per night
  • 6 years of your life will be spent sleeping
  • brain waves are more active whilst asleep, compared to being awake
  • about 80% of people dream in colour
  • if awakened directly during or from REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, a person can recall their dream much more vividly than if asked to recall once they awaken in the morning
  • during REM sleep there is increased breathing and heart rate and involuntary muscle jerks
  • the most common setting for a dream to take place is inside a house
  • noises, stimuli or circumstances from our outside reality or physical bodies are often incorporated into our dreams
  • people that are blind dream using their heightened senses such as hearing, tasting, smelling, touching as well as with their emotions
  • things we learn right before going to sleep can be remembered easier than what we learn earlier in the day
  • the first recorded dreams are from as far back as 4000 BC. even as far back as early civilization, human beings have been uncovering their dream meanings

a graph showing the brain activity during REM sleep: