Colour Theory Continued...
In this session, instead of looking at the individual colours, the focus was on the effect of combining two colours. This included complimentary colours, looking at the effect of the juxtoposition on the eye.
Its evident that placing contrasting colours next to eachother enhances the vibrancy...
For example:
After placing the green hanger on the red background, it's clear that the combination has quite a dramatic visual difference compared to placing the green hanger on a more similar tone to the yellow background
^^^ Alot easier on the eye
Again, by contrasting the object to its complimentary colour, it tends to stand out more...
One last time!...
The same red paper:
Playing with three colours, keeping the central colour green in order to compare:
^^^ In my opinion, the central green appears most bold when placed next to the two warm colours of red & yellow..... again, its all about the contrast!