Here I've experimented with how exactly the star would appear...
Originally i thought working in a 2-dimensional form would look appealing and allow clear crisp imagery. However, I then used a clipping mask to make a 3-dimensional looking sun. I'm kean on the idea of setting myself a challenge & so have decided to settle on the 3-dimensional sun which will set me up with the challenge of creating a three-dimensional like video on after effects...
<<(with both selected)
Originally i thought working in a 2-dimensional form would look appealing and allow clear crisp imagery. However, I then used a clipping mask to make a 3-dimensional looking sun. I'm kean on the idea of setting myself a challenge & so have decided to settle on the 3-dimensional sun which will set me up with the challenge of creating a three-dimensional like video on after effects...
<<(with both selected)