Monday 25 October 2010

Typeface development & outcome: Stephen Fry

After doing research on Stephen Fry,  I discovered he has bipolar disorder, where the person has extreme highs and extreme lows. I thought it would be interesting to contrast two of his characteristics within the typeface to help display him as a person. 

I came across a design on an Urban Outfitters shopping bag and so decided to expand on the style... 

Above I used illustrator to contrast the helvetica font and free hand. Helvetica represents the perfect font, and displays the imformative side of Stephen Fry's personality. The hand drawn acts as the elegant and bookish side to him. 

Elegant and imformative: 
As a typeface, I felt the structure didn't have that balance that's needed. From this point on I chose to focus on and experiment with the elegant charactersitic...

Although the above worked, I needed something with a more solid, perhaps more masculine, feel to it. Also, it needed more of a Stephen Fry twist to it in order to make it more personal to him. I personally perceived Stephen Fry to be a bit old fashioned, with his dress sense and his proper english speaking! He also starred in Blackadder...!
 Looking at some old english, slightly gothic fonts..

I wanted to keep a sense of handwriting/ink pen with the typeface. It also goes back to the contrasting aspect of the typeface with a proper, correct set up juxtaposing with the free-hand swirls & curves......